When I say packaging, probably the first thing that would come to your mind would be packing for holidays, never you would think of cardboard packaging. Packaging by itself is a huge industry, whatever you buy today comes packed in some kind of material, without appropriate packaging we would have never been able to receive the things we use today in their original shape and size as they would easily damage during transport.

Packaging can be of different types, however it can be largely bifurcated into wholesale packaging and retail packaging. While in wholesale packaging similar things are packed together in a single box or container, in retail packaging each product is packed individually and then packed together using wholesale packaging techniques. Example of retail packaging is a box of wine glasses.
The industry is so big that many companies make business only out of it, either by selling packing supplies boxes or packaging tapes or by simply providing related services. Companies contract them for their packaging needs so that they can divert their efforts into their core business activities. Many companies even include transportation in their service offering, this further facilitates their business.
Out of all the different things used for packaging, cardboard boxes packaging is the most commonly used packaging option. Cardboard boxes packaging bring along lot of benefits, they are cost effective, versatile and can be customized to meet customer requirements. Here again there are many companies which are in the business of providing companies with different types of cardboard packaging boxes.